By: Edited Press Release

Experts on diagnosing, treating, and preventing respiratory disease in horses from around the world will convene in Copenhagen, Denmark, July 13-15, for the 6th World Equine Airway Symposium (WEAS).

The symposium, which is held every four years, is the only international meeting focusing solely on equine breathing problems. The meeting is designed for veterinarians, but horse owners and trainers are welcome to attend, as well.

State-of-the-art lectures will be augmented by recent research summaries. Topics to be discussed at the event will include:

  • Recent information on performance-limiting problems of the upper airways such as recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (“roaring”), soft palate displacement, and pharyngeal collapse;
  • Infectious diseases including strangles, influenza, and Rhodococcus;
  • Managing equine asthma (including recurrent airway obstruction, or heaves, and inflammatory airway disease);
  • How to improve the horse’s breathing environment; and
  • Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EPIH) and how to manage it.

The symposium will be held at the Langelinie Pavilion, near Copenhagen Harbor, within sight of the famous “The Little Mermaid” statue and a short walk from the historic heart of city and the shopping district. Low-cost accommodation has been arranged at Wake Up Copenhagen.

Early registration closes on May 1, but the number of attendees is limited and interested parties are urged to register soon. More information on the meeting, program, registration, accommodation, and abstract submission is available at